We have developed a highly specialized division of our firm dealing only with Georgia traffic and speeding issues. That means that our firms’ attorneys are actually practicing in the local Georgia courts where your ticket will be prosecuted — day to day, month to month, and year to year. For over 17 years, the traffic division attorneys at Hendrick & Henry have cultivated these relationships and will put them to work for you. – Ben Mozingo
Georgia Commercial Driver Traffic Ticket Information
Commercial drivers face many additional pitfalls when dealing with traffic tickets. In addition to any consequences that a commercial driver may face due to the policies of his employer, the State of Georgia has different rules for commercial drivers that are much more strict than for non-commercial drivers. In many ways, a commercial driver’s driving record acts as his job resumé. Insurance is also a major concern—liability premiums for a commercial driver can be very costly.
Any driver convicted of two of these types of offenses within a 3-year period will be disqualified from driving a CMV for 60 days. In the event of a 3rd conviction, the disqualification will be for 120 days.
• Speeding 15 or more over the limit
• Reckless Driving
• Improper or erratic lane change (except failure to signal)
• Following too closely
• Any traffic violation in connection with a fatal accident
• Operating a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) without obtaining a CDL
• Operating a CMV without a license in the possession of the driver
• Operating a CMV without a CDL of the proper class and/or endorsements for the specific vehicle being operated or for the passengers or type of cargo transported
• Railroad grade crossing violations
Any of these convictions will result in a disqualification. If the violation involves the commission of a felony involving the manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing of a controlled substance, the disqualification is for LIFE. Otherwise, the disqualification is for 3 years when it occurs while the CMV is transporting hazardous materials that require a placard. All other suspensions are for 1 year for the first violation, and lifetime for the 2nd violation.
• Operating a CMV or non-CMV while under the influence of alcohol
• Operating a CMV with a blood-alcohol concentration of .04 or greater
• Refusal to submit to a chemical test
• Driving a CMV or non-CMV while under the influence of a controlled substance
• Leaving the scene of an accident (CMV or non-CMV)
• Felony involving the use of a motor vehicle (CMV or non-CMV)
• Causing a fatality through the negligent operation of a CMV
• Operating a CMV when the driver’s CDL is suspended
• Use of a CMV or non-CMV in the commission of a felony involving the manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing of a controlled substance
• Racing on the streets and highways
• Using a motor vehicle in attempting to flee or elude an officer
• Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked, cancelled, or suspended registration in violation of O.C.G.A. §40-6-15
• Theft of a commercial motor vehicle or cargo contained therein
• Administrative Per Se (Driving with an alcohol concentration of .08 or more pursuant to Georgia Implied Consent).
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Fighting for the people!
Years ago, Mr. Hendrick sued the District Attorney’s Office in DeKalb County, and single-handedly spearheaded the dismantling of DeKalb County Recorders Court. This action served as Troy’s transition into civil law, and his tenacity resulted in the end of a tyrannical and unfair court system designed to process tens of millions of traffic ticket fines while withholding justice in the process.
For years, this court had taken advantage of the public by handing down severe and illegal sentences to people just like you! This case, which ultimately toppled the largest traffic court in the State and one of the largest in the country, was over a speeding ticket.

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